Friday Morning Workshop
Are You Ready to Get the 'Dirt' on Dirt?
Kevin Drew is dedicated to spreading the message of San Francisco's Zero Waste policies across the globe. Kevin is Senior Residential and Special Projects Zero Waste Coordinator at the San Francisco Department of the Environment. With his oversight, the program diverts 100,000 tons of recyclables and 50,000 tons of organics every year. Drew's expertise comes from over two decades of directing non-profit recycling and reuse operations and shaping resource conservation policy at local and statewide levels.
Kevin Drew
Sonoma/San Francisco
Calla Rose Ostrander joined the Marin Carbon Project after nearly 20 years of working to transform climate problems into solutions for large, complex city systems in Aspen, Colorado, and San Francisco.
Calla Rose is excited about the future of (and science behind) soil carbon sequestration. As our atmosphere becomes increasingly laden with carbon dioxide, shifting agricultural practices to facilitate the drawdown of carbon back into the soil is becoming a very real focal point for solutions. Beyond sequestering carbon, which is a massively necessary endeavor, large scale application of carbon farming techniques has the potential to transform agriculture in many other ways, increasing productivity as well our relationship to the land.
Moderator of Carbon Science Panel
Calla Rose Ostrander
Los Angeles
Dr. Micheli has over 25 years experience applying her technical, policy, and fundraising expertise to the design and implementation of ecological restoration, research and education programs. She completed her graduate studies at UC Berkeley as a NASA Earth Systems Research Fellow in 2000 and now focuses her research on relationships between watershed health and biodiversity. She is the co-chair of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Collaborative (TBC3), a Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Bay Area climate adaptation research initiative.
Director - Pepperwood Preserve
Dr. Lisa Micheli
Gabby Black is a Doctoral Candidate in the Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Graduate Group at University of California, Davis. Gabby’s work investigates the chemical and biological risks associated with consumer-product chemicals entering the terrestrial environment via the land application of sewage sludge. Her research combines High Resolution Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry with Chemically Activated Luciferase Gene Expression bioassays to pair these chemicals with their respective estrogenic activity levels. Previously, Gabby was a Project Manager at the Carbon Cycle Institute and an Affiliate Researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory.
Environmental Chemist
Gabrielle Black
UC Davis
Jeff Creque is co-founder of the Marin Carbon Project and a Director at the Carbon Cycle Institute, where he provides senior leadership on carbon farming and land management. He brings thirty years of applied experience and theoretical training to the task of informing and facilitating the goals of the Marin Carbon Project. He is an agricultural and rangeland consultant and Natural Resources Conservation Service certified nutrient management planning specialist.
Carbon Farming Specialist
Carbon Cycle Institute
Dr. Jeffrey Creque
At Princeton, his dissertation on global climate models demonstrated how changes in the Earth's orbit affects climate. During his Caltech years, Brian worked on models of the overabundance of carbon in Jupiter's atmosphere. Little did he know that a decade later we would have to solve this problem for the Earth's atmosphere. From these experiences he acquired a detailed understanding of the Earth’s carbon cycle and has envisioned sustainable approaches to restoring carbon balance in our atmosphere. Now at the Climate Foundation, Brian leads projects on land and sea with partners all over the world, including India, Indonesia, Philippines and the USA.
Marine Permaculture
Dr. Brian von Herzen
Part 2 - Green Finance Panel
Panel 2: Can We Make Money 'Green'? Carbon-Related Financing, Slow Money, and Procuring Patient Capital
Kevin Bayuk's roots are in entrepreneurship, having spent nearly a decade starting and growing technology companies, and activating projects and organizations that regenerate healthy ecosystems and socially just and joyful environments. After immersing himself in all aspects of starting and growing companies, Kevin focused his attention on learning about and teaching eco-systemic design. Now Kevin is merging his experience in business with his experience in permaculture to help businesses care for people while enhancing the earth.
Kevin also serves as the Senior Financial Fellow at Project Drawdown developing the business case to address climate change through existing practices and technologies.
Moderator -Financial Session
Kevin Bayuk
San Francisco
Arno Hesse is dedicated to financing a sustainable and equitable future with thriving food systems and regenerative technologies.
He co-founded the community capital services Credibles and Investibule. As a co-leader and investor with Slow Money Northern California, Arno has led multiple investments in food businesses, with a focus on climate change and social justice. Previously, he was Executive Vice President for Retail Markets at MUFG Union Bank.
Arno received an MBA from UC Berkeley. He grew up in Europe and is easily distracted by new ice cream flavors and typefaces.
Slow Money
Arno Hesse
Over the past several years, Phillipe has helped the Paris Financial Center to develop multiple initiatives in the field of green and sustainable finance. The close relationship between market players and public authorities has largely contributed to this vibrancy. The current window of opportunity is exceptional to make finance evolve and serve better the economic, social and environmental needs of our societies.
Chairman, Finance for Tomorrow & CEO, Mirova
Philippe Zaouati
Paris, France
Stéphane Le Foll has been Minister of Agriculture in the Cabinet of France under Prime Ministers Jean-Marc Ayrault and Manuel Valls, as well as Government Spokesperson under Valls.T He is promoting he international initiative "4 per 1000", launched by France at the COP 21, consists of federating all voluntary stakeholders of the public and private sectors (national ,local and regional governments, companies, trade organisations, NGOs, research facilities, etc.) under the framework of the Lima-Paris Action Plan (LPAP).
The aim of the initiative is to demonstrate that agriculture, and in particular agricultural soils can play a crucial role where food security and climate change are concerned.
Supported by solid scientific documentation, this initiative invites all partners to state or implement some practical actions on soil carbon storage and the type of practices to achieve this (e.g. agroecology, agroforestry, conservation agriculture, landscape management, etc.).
4 Per Thousand Initiative France